All this talk about taking 100% responsibility is insane! I get it. As a certified trainer of this principle, I can tell you that the concept of 100% responsibility can be overwhelming.
Let’s take a look at what it means to be 100% responsible.
- 100% responsibility means you never blame or complain about anything – ever.
- 100% responsibility means you make no excuses.
- 100% responsibility means you truly own and accept the fact that you are the creator of your life and everything in it.
Let me ask you this – can you honestly say you have not complained about anything in the past week? In the past 24 hours?
And blaming…have you ever blamed someone or something else for anything – like blaming the weather for being late to work?
The concept of 100% responsibility can be overwhelming because you need to own up to everything that is going on in your life – the good, the bad, and the ugly.
You must fully accept that you are the one who created all of it.
And yet, we are always complaining and blaming and making up excuses for where we are in our lives.
- “I don’t understand why can’t lose weight.”
- “The winter storm made me late for work today!”
- “I am not making enough money because I am not smart enough.”
When you start taking 100% responsibility for the life you are creating, there is no saying that your weight situation is the fault of bad genes.
There is no saying that the traffic or weather was responsible for making you late for work.
There is no saying that you are not making the amount of income you want because of the economy or because you are not smart enough.
There are no complaints, no blame, no excuses.
This can be a really hard pill to swallow for many people.
I am often asked if 100% responsibility is even possible. Yes, it is!
Check in with yourself. Where do you stand right here and now in this moment with regard to owning 100% responsibility for everything in your life?
If you believe yourself to only be around 10% right now, going from 10% to 100% can seem very daunting.
When I first start working with my clients, I give them an exercise called The 5% Worksheet.
This exercise is designed to help you get in the mindset of taking 5% more responsibility in a particular area of your life.
For example:
- What would you be doing differently if you took just 5% more responsibility for your health?
- What would your financial status look like if you took just 5% more responsibility with your money management?
- What would your relationships look like if you upped your game at just 5%?
When you think in terms of just 5% more, it is much less intimidating.
However, thinking about it and doing it are two completely different things.
First, you must really be of the mindset that you are the creator of your life and everything in it. Own it. It is yours. That is what The 5% Worksheet is all about – getting you to consider what 5% more looks like to you and getting your mindset in the right place.
Then, in order to raise your percentage, you must set goals and take action.
The Five Percent Gameplan is a monthly system that helps you define little baby steps to get you closer to that 100% goal. It is designed to help you break out of old habits that may have been holding you back. It helps you identify any potential limiting beliefs that you have so that you can address them and remove them for good.
Here’s how it works.
Each month, you set one goal each month to take 5% percent more responsibility in each of these eight categories: health & fitness, finances, work & career, environment, relationships, personal development, recreation & free time, and community & contribution.
EXAMPLE: For the first month:
- I will drink 64 ounces of water every day.
- I will make my coffee at home instead of buying it from the coffee shop every day to save money.
- I will be more present and focused while at work.
- I will rearrange my home office to make my work environment less cluttered.
- I will spend at least 1 hour each day with my significant other fully present.
- I will read at least one self-development book.
- I will play golf once a week.
- I will volunteer at the local food pantry one day this month.
In creating these goals, the thing to remember is to always hold a 100% responsibility mindset.
Meaning, that if you miss a day drinking your 64 ounces of water, you will NOT make up some lame excuse or complain that there was no water where you were at the time.
Remember – NO COMPLAINTS, NO BLAMING, NO EXCUSES. If you missed a day – it is just that – you missed a day. Own it. Start over the next day until you are in the habit of drinking 64 ounces of water each day.
If you find your mind wandering at work so you are not being as productive as you would like, stop, and consider why your mind is wandering and get it back on track.
You cannot use the excuse that Dave in Marketing called you and started talking about last night’s ball game and got you totally sidetracked. THAT is an excuse!
You mess up, you don’t do something you had on your list…own it. It is all you.
When you really start taking responsibility for everything that is going on and being created in your life, you will notice a few things happening around you.
First, others will notice that you are no longer complaining, blaming, and making excuses. That makes THEM uncomfortable! They will try to suck you into their drama. Don’t fall for it! Their 100% responsibility is up to them. Hold your course and stick with your plan.
Second, you will come to the realization that the one in charge of your life really is you.
It is a very empowering feeling.
We are raised to run our lives with all these beliefs and ideas based on what other people think and decide. When you completely own the creation of your life, you stop to consider things that, in the past, you would have done because everyone else was doing it, yet now, you are choosing to do what you want to do because you are taking more responsibility for yourself and what you really want.
Each month, review the 5% Percent Gameplan list. Add to it. Before you know it, you are taking 100% control of your life. You fully accept that everything you have or have not created is completely up to you.
You CAN have everything you want. You just need to assume control over the creation of everything in your life.
Empower yourself by taking 100% responsibility for creating the goals and taking the action you need to create exactly the life you want.
Let me help you grow your coaching business!
If you would like a complementary 30-minute lifestyle business review of your business, go to and pick a date and time that work for you. I PROMISE you this is NOT a sales call in disguise! Simply a get-to-know-each-other session where you will leave with at least one golden nugget to implement in your business!
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